ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

binary heap data structure

A binary heap is a type of data structure that stores information using a simple rule. It is made up of a binary tree, where each node has two children. The way the data is stored depends on if it is a min-heap or a max-heap.

In a min-heap, the smallest item is always at the top of the tree, like a mountain peak. The two children of the top node will be smaller than their parent, like rocks on the side of the mountain, and the two children of those two nodes will also be smaller than their parent, like smaller rocks on the side of the mountain. This continues all the way down the tree.

In a max-heap, it is the opposite. The largest item is always at the top and all the children are larger than their parent. It is like a huge tree with the biggest and strongest branches at the top.

Heaps are often used when trying to organize data quickly and easily. For example, if you wanted to find the maximum or minimum number in a big list, you could use a heap to compare the numbers quickly without having to go through the whole list.