ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

eskimo words for snow

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen snow? Yes? Good! Now, imagine that you live in a really cold place where it snows a lot. You might need to talk about snow a lot, right?

Now, people who live in those super-cold places, like the Eskimo people, have lots of words for snow. Just like you might have lots of words for your favorite toys or foods!

So, when Eskimo people talk about snow, they don't just have one word for it. They have lots of different words to describe different types of snow. For example, they might have a word for "soft snow" that is good for making snowballs, and a different word for "hard snow" that's not so good for snowballs.

They might have a word for "wet snow" that's good for making snowmen, and a word for "dry snow" that's not so good for snowmen. They might also have a word for "falling snow" when it's coming down from the sky, and a word for "sitting snow" when it's already on the ground.

So you see, when you live in a place where it snows a lot, you need lots of words to talk about it! And that's why the Eskimo people have so many different words for snow.
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