ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

world network of users and survivors of psychiatry

Okay kiddo, listen carefully. The world network of users and survivors of psychiatry is a group of people who have had some experience with psychiatry. Some of them have been to a doctor for help with their thoughts or feelings, and some of them have been patients in psychiatric hospitals.

The network is made up of people from all over the world who want to share their experiences with each other. They talk about how they have been helped or hurt by psychiatry, and they work together to make sure that people who need help with their mental health get the treatments they need.

The network also works to change the way that people think about mental health issues. They want to make sure that people are treated with respect and understanding, no matter what kind of mental health problem they have.

In short, the world network of users and survivors of psychiatry is a group of people who have had experiences with psychiatry, and they work together to help each other and make the world a better place for people with mental health issues.