ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Łódź Ghetto

Once upon a time in a place called Poland, there was a city called Łódź. In this city, there were some bad people who didn't like other people who were different from them. These bad people were in charge of the government and they made rules that made life very hard for the different people.

One of the different types of people were called Jews. They had a different religion than the bad people in charge and they looked different too. The bad people didn't like the Jews and they came up with a plan to make their lives even harder.

They made a special area called the Łódź ghetto where all the Jews had to live. The ghetto was very small and was surrounded by a big wall to keep the Jews inside. The houses were very crowded and not nice to live in. They didn't have enough food or medicine and they couldn't leave the ghetto without permission.

Life in the ghetto was very hard for the Jews. They had to work all day in factories and didn't get paid very much. There were so many people crowded together that diseases like typhus spread quickly. Many people got sick and died because they couldn't go to the hospital.

One day, some good people from other countries came to help the Jews in the ghetto. They brought them food, medicine, and even tried to help them escape. But the bad people in charge found out and punished anyone who helped the Jews.

Eventually, some good people from the army came and freed the Jews from the ghetto. They were able to leave and start new lives in different places. The Łódź ghetto was a very sad time in history and we should always remember what happened there so we can try to make sure it never happens again.