ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Aspect weaver

Imagine you are making a big puzzle. Each piece of the puzzle is like a different part of a story. But sometimes, the pieces don't fit together very well. That's where the aspect weaver comes in.

The aspect weaver is like a really special glue that helps all the pieces fit together perfectly. They take all the different parts of the story and they make sure that they all make sense together.

They do this by looking at special things called "aspects." Aspects are like different pieces of information that show up in the story. For example, if the story is about a superhero, one aspect might be what powers they have. Another aspect might be what their costume looks like.

The aspect weaver takes all these different aspects and makes sure they fit together. They might change a detail here or there to make everything work together better.

In the end, all the parts of the story are stuck together perfectly, thanks to the aspect weaver.
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