ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Australian Aboriginal astronomy

Do you know how you like to look up at the stars at night and make wishes? Well, the Aboriginal people of Australia have been doing that for a really long time. They have something called Aboriginal astronomy which is all about the stars, the moon, the sun, and how they relate to the land. Let me explain it to you in a way that is easy to understand.

So, first, let's start with the stars. The Aboriginal people have been watching the stars for thousands of years, long before telescopes were invented. They noticed patterns in the stars that they believed showed different stories about their culture and the world around them. For example, they saw the stars as different animals like kangaroos, emus, and fish that would disappear at different times of the year. They also saw stars in groups that looked like groups of people, and they believed that those stars were the spirits of their ancestors.

Next, let's talk about the moon. Just like us, the Aboriginal people of Australia noticed that the moon changes shape over time. But they also noticed that the shape of the moon looked different depending on the time of the year. They used the moon to help them know when to hunt and fish, and when to plant and harvest their crops.

Now, let's talk about the sun. The Aboriginal people knew that the sun was important for their survival because it gave them warmth and light. But they also noticed that the sun moved across the sky in a certain way that was related to the land. They believed that the sun followed certain paths that were connected to different places and seasons.

All of these things, the stars, the moon, and the sun, were used by the Aboriginal people to create what is called an "oral tradition". This means that they passed down their knowledge of the stars and the land through stories that were told from generation to generation. This helped them remember important information about their culture and their way of life.

So, in conclusion, Aboriginal astronomy is all about the stars, the moon, and the sun and how they relate to the land. The Aboriginal people of Australia have been watching the stars for thousands of years and have created a rich oral tradition that is still being passed down today.