ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Block diagram

A block diagram is like putting together a puzzle, but instead of puzzle pieces, you use blocks. Imagine you have a big puzzle with many pieces, and you want to organize them in a way that makes sense. You can put pieces that look similar in one group and pieces that do not belong to that group in another group.

Similarly, in electronics or engineering, we have complex systems that have many parts working together. The block diagram is a way of simplifying these systems by breaking them down into smaller, easier to understand parts, just like the puzzle pieces. We use blocks to represent these different parts.

For example, if we want to build a car, we can break it down into blocks, such as the engine, wheels, steering wheel, brakes, and so on. Each block represents a different part of the car. Then we can show how these parts connect to each other by drawing lines between the blocks. This diagram provides a clear visual representation of the car's systems, making it easier for people to understand how it works.

In summary, a block diagram is a simple way of breaking down complex systems into smaller, more manageable parts using blocks and lines to connect them. Think of it like a puzzle where you organize similar pieces together.