ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Body odor and subconscious human sexual attraction

Body odor is the smell that comes from our body when we sweat. Everybody sweats, even small kids like you! Our body has many different sweat glands that produce sweat, which is a salty liquid that helps to cool us down when we get too hot.

Now, because sweat is a kind of waste product, it also contains chemicals that can create some unpleasant smells. These smells are different for each person because they depend on a lot of factors, including what we eat, our overall health, and even our genetic makeup.

While some people try to hide their body odor by using deodorant or perfume, it’s actually quite natural and normal to have a certain smell. In fact, our body odor can actually be a sign of our health and our reproductive potential!

That’s where subconscious human sexual attraction comes in. Even though we may not be aware of it, our body odor can actually influence how attracted other people are to us. Studies have shown that certain chemicals in our sweat can be detected by others and can actually make them feel more sexually attracted to us.

Now, this doesn’t mean that we should all stop showering and start relying on our natural body odor to get a date. Good hygiene is important for many reasons, including preventing sickness and keeping our skin healthy. But it is interesting to think that our body odor is actually sending out signals to the people around us, whether we realize it or not!