ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Book burnings

A long, long time ago, some people were very upset with some ideas they found in books. They didn't think those ideas were good, and they didn't want other people to read those books and get those ideas too. So, they decided to get rid of those books by burning them.

They formed big piles of books and set them on fire. Lots of people were sad because those books were gone forever. Sometimes, these book burnings happened in public places where people could watch. It was like a big show where the people who burned the books were saying, "We're in charge, and we won't let anyone have different ideas than us."

But burning books is bad because books are really important. They help us understand the world around us and learn new things. When we burn books, we lose all the knowledge and ideas they contain.

That's why when we see or hear about book burnings today, we know they're bad and we don't support them. It's important for everyone to be able to read books and make up their own minds about the ideas they contain.
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