ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, do you know how sometimes when you go outside for a walk or a hike, you might see rocks stacked up on top of each other? That's called a cairn! People make cairns for different reasons - sometimes it's just for fun, but sometimes it's to help other people find their way.

Think about it like a treasure map: you might have a piece of paper with a bunch of lines and symbols on it that shows you where to find the treasure. But what if you get lost or confused along the way? That's where a cairn comes in! If you're walking along and you see a cairn, it means you're on the right path - kind of like a sign that says "keep going this way!"

So cairns can be useful for hikers and explorers, but they can also just be a fun way to decorate the outdoors. Just remember, if you're going to make a cairn yourself, be careful not to knock over any rocks or disturb any plants or animals around you. And always leave the environment just as you found it, so that other people can enjoy it too!