ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Code reuse

Code reuse is like sharing toys with your friends. Just like how you can share a toy with your friends, programmers can share pieces of code that they have written with other programmers so that they don't have to write the same thing from scratch every time they want to use it.

For example, let's say you and your friend want to build a tower of blocks. You both have your own set of blocks, but instead of using only your blocks or only your friend's blocks, you decide to share them so you can build a bigger tower together without having to go get more blocks.

Similarly, programmers can share code that they have written with their coworkers or other developers so that they can get more done without having to write everything themselves. This can save a lot of time and effort, and it can also help make sure that the code being used is reliable and has been tested.

Code reuse can come in different forms, such as libraries of pre-written code or reusable modules for specific software functions. Think of these as ready-made building blocks that programmers can use when writing new programs, just like Lego pieces to build a tower or a spaceship.

Overall, code reuse allows developers to work more efficiently and collaboratively, just like how sharing toys with your friends can help you both have more fun and build bigger towers together.