ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Conical hat

A conical hat is a special type of hat that looks like a cone shape, just like an ice cream cone. Some people call it a "rice hat" or a "coolie hat" because it is often worn by people who work in the fields or in hot weather.

The hat is made out of different materials depending on where it is from. Some hats are made of straw, leaves, or palm fronds and are popular in tropical areas. Other hats are made of cloth or silk and are popular in places like China or Korea.

The conical hat has a pointy top, and usually has a brim that circles the bottom to protect the wearer's face from the sun. It can be tied under the chin to keep it from falling off, or it can be worn balanced on top of the head.

The conical hat has been used for hundreds of years in many different cultures. It is a simple and useful design that keeps the sun off of the wearer's face and helps them to stay cool. Today, you can find conical hats in many different stores, and they are often used as a decoration or for fun dress-up play.
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