ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dependency hell

Dear little one,

Have you ever played with building blocks? You know how you can stack them on top of each other, and when you take one block out, the whole tower might fall down? That's a bit like how computers work with software.

When people make software, they often use other people's building blocks, called "dependencies," so they don't have to create everything from scratch. It's like using pieces from a puzzle to create a bigger picture.

The problem with this is that sometimes those building blocks might change or stop working properly with other pieces of the puzzle. And when that happens, it can cause a big problem called "dependency hell."

Dependency hell is when software builders try to update different parts of the puzzle, but they can't because different pieces depend on different versions of the same building block. It's like trying to switch out a green block for a blue one, but realizing that some parts of the puzzle need the green one and others need the blue one.

People who try to fix this problem have to find ways to make all the building blocks work together so that the software will run properly. It can be a really tricky job, but it's important to make sure everything is working properly so that we can use our computers in the best way possible.

I hope that helps you understand dependency hell!