ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Eating live animals

Well, sweetie, some people believe that it’s okay to eat live animals, but it’s really not a nice thing to do. You see, every living thing deserves to be treated with kindness, and it’s not nice to hurt animals.

When we eat, we usually eat food that has been cooked or prepared in a certain way to make sure it’s safe to eat. But some people think that it’s okay to eat animals while they are still alive, like fish or octopuses.

Now, fish are cold-blooded and don't feel pain in the same way that we do. But it’s still not nice to eat them while they’re alive because it’s cruel and could be dangerous. If you’re not careful, the fish could hurt you with its sharp fins or teeth.

Octopuses, on the other hand, are intelligent creatures, and studies have shown that they can feel pain. Eating them while they are still alive is even worse because they suffer and feel afraid.

All animals, whether they’re fish, octopuses, or any other creature, deserve to be treated with respect and care. So it’s not nice to eat live animals, and we should all try to be kind to every living thing around us.