ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Energy drink

Okay kiddo, an energy drink is like a magic potion that makes you feel more awake and gives you extra power to keep going. It's like a special drink that has lots of ingredients that give you energy.

You know how when you eat some foods like fruits, they give you energy? Well, energy drinks are like that, but they have extra special ingredients like caffeine, sugar, and other things that are supposed to give you more energy than normal.

But wait, don't get too excited, because drinking too much energy drinks can be bad for you. They can make you feel really jittery, give you a headache or a stomachache. And if you have too much, it can even make you feel sick or make it hard for you to sleep!

So, it's important not to have too much energy drinks. And you should always ask a grown-up before drinking one.
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