ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ensemble forecasting

Ensemble forecasting is a way of using computers to predict what the weather will be like in the future.

Think of it like a big science project with a bunch of friends. Each friend gets a different job to do, like measuring the temperature, looking at the clouds, or checking the wind speed. Then, everyone shares their information with each other to make a better prediction of what the weather will be like later on.

Ensemble forecasting works in a similar way. Instead of friends, computers called "models" do different jobs to help predict the weather. One model might focus on how fast the wind is blowing, while another might look at the temperature of the air.

Once each model has done its job, they all come together and share their information to make a better prediction of what the weather will be like. This is called an "ensemble" because it's like a group of different models working together.

Ensemble forecasting is important because it helps meteorologists get a better idea of what the weather will be like. By using multiple models, they can create more accurate predictions and prepare people for potential weather risks.