ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, imagine if your cat went outside and never came back home. That cat would eventually become feral. Feral means that an animal, like a cat or a dog, is wild and no longer wants or knows how to live with humans.

Feral cats and dogs don't have owners to help take care of them, so they have to fend for themselves. They hunt for food, find shelter under bushes, and try to stay away from people. They can sometimes look scruffy and dirty because they don't get baths or go to the groomer like pets that have owners do.

It's not always safe for people to approach feral animals because they might be scared or have been hurt in the past by humans. But there are organizations called animal rescues that work to help feral cats and dogs. They may give them food and water, fix any health problems, and try to find them new homes where they can live with people again.

It's important to remember that feral animals should be left alone and not chased or bothered. They just want to be left alone to survive on their own.