ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Free neutron

Okay, so let's imagine a little ball that is very very very small, so small that you can't see it with your eyes. This tiny ball is called a neutron. It's part of something called an atom, which is like a little Lego block that makes up everything around us.

Now, normally a neutron likes to hang out with other tiny balls called protons in the center of an atom. They're like best friends that stick together. But sometimes a neutron can be free and wander around all by itself.

When a neutron is free, it can do some pretty cool things. For example, it can smash into other atoms and make them break apart, which is called a nuclear reaction. This is what happens in the sun to make it shine so bright.

But being free isn't always easy for a neutron. It only lasts for a little while before it either goes back to being best friends with some protons or it breaks apart into smaller particles. So, a free neutron is like a tiny adventurous explorer that can cause some big things to happen!