ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Functional magnetic resonance imaging

Functional magnetic resonance imaging or fMRI, is like a camera that takes pictures of your brain while you are thinking or doing something. It can help scientists see which parts of your brain are active during different activities.

Do you remember playing with a magnet and seeing how it sticks to metal objects? In the same way, fMRI uses a strong magnet to create a powerful magnetic field around your head. This magnetic field affects tiny molecules in your brain, helping to create pictures of what's going on inside.

When we use our brain to think or do something, like solving a math problem or listening to music, different parts of our brain become active. The active parts of your brain need more oxygen and blood to work correctly. And that's where fMRI comes in - it can detect which parts of the brain are using more oxygen and blood by creating detailed pictures.

So, when you are lying in the fMRI machine and doing a task, the machine takes pictures of your brain, showing the active parts in different colors. Scientists can study these colors to understand what your brain is doing and how it's working.

Overall, fMRI is like a super cool camera that takes pictures of your brain while you are thinking or doing something, helping scientists study which parts of your brain are active!