ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Functional testing

Functional testing means testing whether a thing works the way it's supposed to. For example, let's say you have a toy car. You want to see if the car can move forward, turn left, turn right, and stop when you want it to.

Functional testing is like playing with the toy car and testing each of these things to make sure they work. If the car moves forward when you want it to and stops when you press the button, then that's good! But if the car doesn't turn left like it's supposed to, you might need to fix it so that it works properly.

Functional testing can be done with other things besides toy cars too, like computer software or a website. You want to make sure that everything works the way it's supposed to so that people can use the thing without any problems. It's like checking to make sure all the parts of a machine are working together properly.