ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

GNU linker

Hey kiddo, do you know what a linker is? It's a special computer program that helps different parts of a program work together. Kind of like how you and your friends work together to play a game.

GNU linker is a linker program that is part of the GNU project. What it does is takes all the different parts of a program and puts them together so the computer can run the program.

Think of it like baking a cake. You have all the different ingredients like flour, sugar, eggs, and milk. But you can't just eat them all separately, right? You need to put them together and bake them in the oven to make a cake.

GNU linker is kind of like the oven for a program. It takes all the different parts and puts them together in the right order so the computer can "bake" them into a program that you can use.

So, in summary, GNU linker is a computer program that helps different parts of a program work together by putting them together in the right order. Kind of like how an oven bakes a cake by putting all the ingredients together.