ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Herem (censure)

Well kiddo, herem is a Hebrew word that means "censure." It is used to describe a punishment for breaking certain religious laws or codes of behavior. When someone is put under herem, they are basically cut off from their community.

It's kind of like being grounded, but much more serious. The person who is under herem is not allowed to attend religious ceremonies or participate in any communal activities. They are also not allowed to receive kindness or help from their community.

The idea behind herem is that it is meant to be a strong deterrent against breaking religious laws or doing something that would harm the community. It is believed that by cutting someone off in this way, they will be forced to reflect on their actions and repent.

It's not something that is done lightly, and only certain offenses warrant this punishment. Generally, it is reserved for more serious offenses like spreading false rumors, stealing from the community, or committing adultery.

So, in short, herem is a punishment in which someone is cut off from their community for breaking certain religious laws or codes of behavior. It's meant to be a strong deterrent and a way to force someone to reflect on their actions and repent.