ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Human resource development

Human resource development (HRD) is like going to school to learn how to be better at your job. Just like how you go to school to learn new things, adults also need to learn new things to be good at their jobs.

For example, imagine you work in a store and you have to talk to customers every day. Your boss might send you to a training program to learn how to talk to customers better. This training program is like going to school for HRD.

HRD can also include things like learning new skills or getting better at skills you already have. For example, if you work in a factory, your boss might send you to a training program to learn how to use a new machine. This way, you can do your job better and make more things in less time.

In conclusion, human resource development is all about helping people learn new things and get better at what they do. Just like how you learn at school, adults need to keep learning too so they can do their jobs well.
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