ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

India's three-stage nuclear power programme

India's Three-Stage Nuclear Power Programme is a plan made by India to help make sure the country has enough energy. In the first stage, the country will use natural resources to make energy. This includes things like hydropower (water-based power), solar energy, and wind energy. In the second stage, the country will start to use some nuclear power plants- these are plants that use uranium (a special kind of rock) to create energy. This stage would also include research on ways to make the nuclear plants safer. In the third stage, the country will start using advanced nuclear reactors, which will be much safer than the ones used in the second stage. These reactors won't need as much uranium, so India will be able to save energy and money. Overall, the Three-Stage Nuclear Power Programme is about making sure India has enough energy and that it does it in a safe and efficient way.