ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Legend tripping

Legend tripping is like an adventure or a trip that people take to visit places that are supposedly haunted or spooky. People do this because they want to experience something scary or they want to see if the stories about ghosts and haunting are true.

For example, let's say you hear about a creepy old house that is rumored to be haunted. You might gather some friends and go to the house late at night to look for ghosts or other scary things.

Legend tripping is not always done to prove that ghost stories are true. Some people just enjoy the adventure of exploring new places and trying to find hidden treasure, secret passages, or clues to a mystery.

It's important to remember that legend tripping can be dangerous, especially if you are trespassing on private property or visiting notoriously unsafe areas. It's never a good idea to go on a legend trip by yourself or to enter a place that you don't have permission to be in.

Overall, legend tripping can be an exciting way to explore the world and connect with mysteries and folklore. But it's important to stay safe and respectful while doing so.