ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Logic programming

Ok, so imagine that you have a big box of toys that you need to put away. But you don't really know where each toy belongs, and you're not sure if you've already put some toys away or not. That sounds pretty confusing, right?

Well, this is kind of like when a computer needs to solve a problem – it needs to figure out what steps to take in order to find the answer. And one way it can do this is through something called "logic programming."

Basically, logic programming is a way to give the computer a bunch of "rules" or "facts" that it can use to solve a problem. These rules are written in a special language called "Prolog," and they use a lot of fancy terms like "predicates" and "clauses." But don't worry, we don't need to get into all that right now.

Instead, let's go back to our toy box example. So, let's say you have a rule that says "if a toy is red, put it in the red bin." And you also have a rule that says "if a toy is round, put it in the round bin." These are kind of like the "rules" or "facts" that the computer would use to figure out where each toy belongs.

And let's also say that you have a bunch of toys that are both red and round. The computer would look at these toys and say "okay, it's red – so it goes in the red bin. And it's round – so it goes in the round bin." And voila – problem solved! The computer was able to figure out where each toy belongs by using the rules you gave it.

Of course, this is a very simple example, and things can get a lot more complex in real-life scenarios. But hopefully this helps give you a basic idea of what logic programming is all about!