ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mecha anime and manga

Mecha anime and manga are types of stories that feature giant robots, which are also known as mechas. These robots are controlled by humans, and they're usually involved in battles or other kinds of high-stakes scenarios.

Think of it like you playing with your own toy robots, but instead of them being small and for your entertainment, they're big and used for important missions like saving the world from a dangerous threat or fighting off aliens who want to invade Earth.

Mecha anime and manga often have a lot of action, with the robots shooting laser beams, firing missiles, and engaging in close combat. There can also be a lot of drama, with characters struggling to overcome obstacles, forming strong relationships with each other, or dealing with emotional issues.

If you're a fan of action-packed stories and exciting visuals, mecha anime and manga might be right up your alley!