ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Modularity (programming)

Okay, imagine you are building a big Lego castle. When you start building it, you have a lot of little Lego pieces that you need to put together to make the castle. You might have some Lego pieces that make up the walls, some pieces that make up the roof, and some pieces that make up the doors and windows.

When you are building the castle, it's important to keep everything organized and in its right place. That way, when you need to add something new, you can easily find the right Lego pieces and quickly add them in.

Modularity in programming is a lot like building a Lego castle. When programmers are building a big program, they break it down into smaller parts that are easier to manage. These smaller parts are called modules.

Each module is like a little Lego piece that has a specific task. Just like how the Lego pieces make up the walls, roof, and doors of a castle, these modules make up different parts of the program.

When programmers are building a program, they can focus on building one module at a time. This helps them keep things organized and prevents things from getting too complicated. It also makes it easier to change or add new features to the program in the future.

Just like how you can easily add new Lego pieces to your castle if you have everything organized, programmers can easily add new code to their program if it is well-organized and modular.