ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Information hiding

Information hiding is like hiding your toys under your bed so that nobody can find them. When we are doing a project or writing a program, we have different parts of code that help us to do different jobs. But some parts of the code are like our toys that we don't want anyone to touch or see. We hide this code from others so that they can't mess with it or break it.

In the same way, when we make software, we don't want everyone to see how it works behind the scenes. We hide some parts of the code from others. This is called information hiding. We hide our code to protect it and make sure it works well without anyone accidentally changing it. This helps keep our programs safe and secure.

When we hide information, we use something called a "public" and "private" section of the code. The "public" section is like the part of the toy we want to show to others, and the "private" section is like the part of the toy we want to keep hidden. We can access the public part of the code from other parts of the program, but we can't access the private parts.

So next time you're building something with code, remember to hide the important parts like your toys under your bed, and keep them safe from others!