In math, when we want to divide big numbers, we use a special way called long division. This helps us find the answer step by step.
Now, imagine we have more than one big number that we want to divide. That's where the multivariate division algorithm comes in. It's like having many long divisions all at once!
But it's not as easy as just doing lots of long divisions. We have to use a special method called polynomial division that involves organizing the numbers in a particular way. We put the numbers in columns and make sure each column lines up with the same power of a variable, like x.
Once we've organized the numbers, we can use long division on each column. We start with the highest power of the variable and divide the term with the highest power of the other shape we're dividing by. Then we subtract and bring down the next number, repeating until we've gone through all the terms.
This can take a lot of steps, but the multivariate division algorithm makes it faster and easier than doing each long division separately.