ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Network Load Balancing

Okay kiddo, imagine you have lots of toys to play with, but you can only play with one toy at a time. If you have many friends who want to play with your toys too, how can you make sure everyone gets a turn without any fights?

Well, that's exactly what network load balancing does for computer networks. Imagine that the "toys" are websites or web apps that people want to access. When many people try to access the same site or app at the same time, it can get slow or even crash because the computer can't handle all the requests.

But with network load balancing, the requests are distributed among many different computers called servers. Just like you have different friends play with different toys at the same time, different servers can handle different parts of the website or app.

This makes things fair for everyone trying to access the site or app, and allows for faster and more reliable performance. That's basically what network load balancing is all about - sharing the resources of a computer network so that everyone gets a fair turn without any bottlenecks or problems.