ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

New Jersey Administrative Code

Have you ever played a game with rules? Like when you play tag, there are rules that everyone has to follow, right? Well, people who work for the government also have rules they have to follow when they make decisions or do things that affect other people.

Now, in New Jersey (a state in the United States), there are a LOT of rules that the government workers have to follow. These rules are written down in something called the "New Jersey Administrative Code."

Just like how tag rules might say you can't run outside a certain area, the New Jersey Administrative Code has rules for things like how buildings should be built, what kind of medicine can be prescribed by doctors, how people can work in construction and many other things.

These rules are very important because they help to make sure that everything is done fairly and safely. The people who make and enforce these rules are called "administrators." They work hard to make sure that everyone, including you and your family, can live happily and safely in New Jersey.