ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Paternal care

Paternal care means that dads take care of their little ones just like moms do. This means that dads feed, protect and nurture their babies to help them grow big and strong.

Just like how moms carry the baby inside the mommy's tummy before they are born, dads are there to help with everything after the baby is born. They change diapers, give baths, and rock the baby to sleep.

Sometimes, dads might not have as much time to spend with their babies as moms because they have to go to work every day. But they try their best to make the time that they do spend with their babies really special.

It's really important for dads to take care of their little ones because it helps them grow up to be happy and healthy. And you know what, dads can be superheroes just like moms when they take care of their babies!