ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Plant Treaty

Okay kiddo, have you heard of treaties? They're agreements between countries to work together and follow certain rules. Now, the plant treaty is a special agreement between countries around the world to take care of plants and make sure they are not harmed.

You see, plants are very important because they give us oxygen to breathe, food to eat, and many other things that help us survive. But sometimes people can do things that harm plants, like cutting down too many trees or spreading harmful bugs that eat them.

So, the plant treaty is like a promise from all the countries to work together to protect plants and make sure they don't disappear. They have agreed to create laws and policies that will keep plants safe, and to share information about different kinds of plants so everyone can learn more about them.

By working together, countries can make sure that plants continue to grow and thrive, so that we can continue to enjoy all the wonderful things that they do for us. Isn't that neat?