ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Smoking pipe (non-tobacco)

A smoking pipe is a special tube that grown-ups use to breathe in something called smoke. Smoke can come from different things like tobacco, herbs, or plants used for their fragrance.

You see, pipes are like little houses for the smoke. When a grown-up wants to smoke something, they put small pieces of it in the little house called the bowl of the pipe. Then they use a special tool called a lighter to start a little fire in the bowl. This fire makes smoke which is trapped inside the house.

The grown-up then sucks in the smoke through the mouthpiece of the pipe which is like a little straw. The smoke goes into their mouth and then they blow it back out. The smoke can smell really good or it can be bad for you depending on what is in the little house.

It's important to remember that smoking pipes, like any other smoking, is not good for kids because you need to be a grown-up to know how to use them safely. It's also important to make sure you only use pipes for things that are safe to smoke and not things that can make you sick or hurt you.