ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Software metrics

Software metrics are ways to measure how good a computer program is. Just like how your parents might measure your height with a ruler, we use software metrics to measure how a program is doing.

One software metric is called "code coverage." This means we check to see how many lines of code in the program have been tested. Imagine that you built a block tower and your parents want to see how sturdy it is. They might push the blocks to see if they are going to fall. If they tested all the blocks, this would be 100% code coverage.

Another software metric is called "cyclomatic complexity." This is like counting all the different pathways your program can take. It's like trying to find your way through a maze. If there are only a few possible ways through the maze, the complexity is low. But if there are many different paths, it's more complex.

There are many other software metrics that can be used to examine a program's quality. They can help us understand what areas of the program need improvement or what parts are working well. These measurements help software developers create better programs that are easier to use and have fewer problems for people to deal with.