ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sports nutrition

Hey kiddo! Sports nutrition is all about eating and drinking the right things to help you do your very best in sports and other physical activities. Just like how cars need gasoline to run, our bodies need food for energy.

When you play sports, your body needs extra energy to move and stay strong. The foods you eat can give you that energy by providing something called "calories." Calories are kind of like tiny bits of energy that our bodies use to do things like run, jump, and throw.

But not all foods are created equal when it comes to sports nutrition. Some foods, like fruits and vegetables, are great for giving us lots of vitamins and minerals to keep our bodies healthy. Other foods, like sweets and junk food, can give us energy quickly but they don't give us enough of the nutrients our bodies need to be at their best.

In sports nutrition, we also talk about things called "macros." Macros are short for "macronutrients" and they are the building blocks of our food. There are three main macros:
- Carbohydrates: These are found in things like bread, pasta, and fruit. They give us quick energy when we need it.
- Protein: This is found in things like meat, eggs, and beans. Protein helps our muscles grow and repair after exercise.
- Fat: This is found in things like butter, nuts, and oils. Our bodies need some fat to function properly, but too much can be bad for us.

In addition to the foods we eat, we also need to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. When we exercise, we sweat and lose water from our bodies. Drinking water helps us replace that lost water and stay healthy.

So in a nutshell, sports nutrition is all about eating the right foods at the right times to give our bodies the energy and nutrients they need to help us play sports and do other physical activities. Just like how a car needs the right kind of gas to run well, our bodies need the right kind of food to perform their best.