ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Sorcerer's Apprentice

The Sorcerer's Apprentice is a story about a young apprentice who wants to learn magic. He meets a magician, or "sorcerer," who agrees to teach him. The sorcerer gives the apprentice a magic hat and tells him to use it to do chores around the house. The apprentice does as he is told, but he gets a little too creative and ends up using the hat to summon a bunch of brooms to do the chores for him. The brooms start splashing around in a deep stream and the apprentice gets very scared because the water level starts to rise. The apprentice finally realizes he must use the sorcerer's magic words to make the brooms stop. He says the words and the brooms disappear. The sorcerer returns and scolds the apprentice for being careless, but also praises him for learning to master the magic so quickly.
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