ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Triangulation station

A triangulation station is like a big, tall marker that helps people measure and understand the distance and direction between different locations. Imagine you're playing a game of "I Spy" with your friends while you're outside. You might say "I spy something green!" and your friends would have to look around and guess which green thing you are talking about. But sometimes it's hard to explain exactly where the thing you spied is located, especially if there are a lot of similar green things around.

That's where a triangulation station comes in! It's like a big green thing that everyone can see from far away. So if you spy something green and your friends can't quite figure out where you're looking, you can say "I spy the green thing next to the triangulation station". They'll know exactly where to look because the triangulation station is big and easy to spot, and it helps everyone else figure out where everything else is around it.