ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Unotchit is a website that helps people create contracts online. You know how when you play a game with your friends, you might make a promise like "If I win, you have to give me your toy car for a day"? That's kind of like a contract - it's an agreement between two people. Unotchit helps grown-ups make more serious contracts, like for work or business partnerships.

To use it, you start by typing in the things that you and the other person have agreed on - like how much money you will pay them or what tasks they need to do. Then, you can choose to add some extra rules in case one person doesn't follow through on their promises. For example, you might say "If you don't finish the job on time, I can cancel the contract and you won't get paid."

When both people agree to everything, they can sign the contract online. This means that they have agreed to the terms and promises that they made to each other. If someone breaks the contract, the other person can use it to show that they had an agreement in place and hopefully resolve the issue.

So basically, Unotchit is a tool to help adults make promises to each other, and then make sure everyone follows through on those promises.
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