ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Virtual fixture

Imagine you are playing a game where you have to move your hand to hit different objects. Now, if you want to make it easier for yourself, you can create an imaginary boundary around your hand called a "virtual fixture". This boundary will prevent your hand from moving too far and help you hit the objects more easily without accidentally hitting anything else.

In real life, virtual fixtures work in a similar way. They are created using technology like sensors and projections, and they create a virtual boundary or reference point around an object or machine. This reference point makes it easier for people to interact with the object or machine because they know where to move and what the limits are. Think of it like a bumper on your car - it helps you stay within the lines of the road.

Virtual fixtures are used in many fields, such as manufacturing, medicine, and sports. For example, surgeons can use virtual fixtures to guide their instruments during surgery, which can increase precision and reduce the risk of errors. In sports, virtual fixtures can be used to simulate playing fields or tracks, allowing athletes to practice their moves and techniques in a safe and controlled environment.

Overall, virtual fixtures are a helpful tool that make it easier for people to interact with objects and machines, and they can improve safety, precision, and performance in many fields.