ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Vittorio Guidano

Vittorio Guidano was a man who studied how people think and feel. He wanted to understand why people act the way they do and how they come up with ideas in their heads.

Imagine you are trying to build a big block tower with your toys. You have to plan out how you want it to look before you start putting the blocks together. Vittorio Guidano was interested in how our brains plan and think about things like this.

He said that our thoughts and feelings are connected, like a web or a spider's web. So, when we think something, it affects how we feel and vice versa. Just like how when you get a boo-boo, it makes you sad, or when you see something funny, it makes you laugh.

Guidano also believed that everyone's way of thinking and feeling is unique, like a fingerprint. So, two people can have the same experience or problem, but they might think and feel about it completely differently.

So, Guidano was really interested in understanding how each person's way of thinking and feeling is different, and how these things are connected together in our brains.