ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


K-means is a way to sort a group of things into smaller groups based on how similar they are. For example, if you had a group of 10 fruits, you could group them into two different groups.

First, you can assign each fruit a number. Let's say we have 2 apples, 3 oranges, 2 bananas, 1 pear and 2 mangoes. You can assign each fruit a number, so apples would be 1, oranges would be 2, bananas would be 3, and so on.

Now, you can figure out which fruits are most similar. For example, apples and oranges are similar fruits, so they can go into one group. Bananas and mangoes are also similar fruits, so they can go into another group. Now, you have two groups: Group 1 with apples and oranges, and Group 2 with bananas and mangoes. This is the k-means method!