ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Âu Lạc

Hello there! So, you want to know about a place called âu lạc. Well, imagine a big big big place with lots of trees and rivers and mountains and animals. This place is called âu lạc and it's a country in Southeast Asia.

Now, let's talk about the history of âu lạc. A long long time ago, there was a king named An Dương Vương who ruled over this country. He was very smart and built a big city called Cổ Loa Citadel. People lived inside the citadel and were protected from enemies because of its high walls and sturdy gates.

But one day, a bad guy named Triệu Đà attacked Cổ Loa Citadel and An Dương Vương had to flee. He met a magical fairy who gave him a special crossbow and arrow that could defeat any enemy. An Dương Vương used this weapon to defeat Triệu Đà and save his country.

Since then, âu lạc has had many different rulers and been through many wars and changes. But it still remains a beautiful and special place with its own unique culture and traditions.

So, to sum it up, âu lạc is a country in Southeast Asia with a rich history and beautiful natural scenery. It has had many ups and downs, but it's a place that people are proud to call home.