ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


So, you know how sometimes you get really hot and sweaty in the summertime? Well, back in Ancient Greece, people used to have big parties where they would dance and drink and have fun. But, after a while, they would also get hot and sweaty and they needed a way to cool off.

That's where the ōnusa comes in! It's basically a big fan that's made out of feathers. People would use it to wave air around and make themselves feel cooler. It's kind of like when you wave your hand back and forth really fast in front of your face when you're hot.

The ōnusa was also used by important people, like kings and queens, as a way to show how fancy they were. They would have really big and elaborate ōnusas made out of feathers from fancy birds like peacocks.

Overall, the ōnusa was a really important tool back in Ancient Greece for staying cool and looking fancy at the same time!