ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, so .рф is a special type of web address. You know how when you want to go to a website, you type in something like "google.com" or "youtube.com"? Well, those are called domain names.

Now, .рф is a special domain name because it's written in a different language called Russian. In Russian, the letters "рф" stand for "Российская Федерация" (Rossiyskaya Federatsiya) which means "Russian Federation."

So, if you want to visit a website that's written in Russian, you might see it end with .рф instead of .com or .net or .org. This tells your computer to expect to see Russian letters on the website instead of English or some other language.

Overall, .рф is just a way to make sure that websites in Russian are easy to find and access for people who speak the language.
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