ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of something called metadata? It's like a set of information about a file or a folder on a computer that gives you more details about it, like who created it, when it was made, or what kind of file it is. Well, an .nfo file is just another type of metadata file that is often used for sharing and distributing information about certain things like movies, games, or music.

When people download files from the internet, they often come across these .nfo files alongside them. These files usually contain important information about the file that the person has downloaded, like the title, the author, the release date, and other relevant details. Sometimes this information can even include instructions about how to install or start using the file.

Now, why would people use .nfo files instead of just putting all that information in a separate text file or something? Well, the answer lies in the origins of .nfo files, which go back to the early days of computer piracy. Back then, people would share pirated software and games on bulletin board systems or other online platforms, and they would often include .nfo files with the files they shared. These .nfo files acted like a form of branding or identification for the pirate group that had cracked the software, kind of like a digital graffiti tag.

Over time, .nfo files became a sort of tradition or culture among certain hacker and pirate groups, and they started including more and more information in them beyond just the basic metadata. Sometimes the .nfo files would contain jokes, rants, or shoutouts to other groups or individuals, as a way of showing off their skills or creating a sense of community.

So, in summary, .nfo files are just a type of metadata file that are often used to share information about certain types of files. They have a history in the world of computer piracy and hacking, but nowadays they are used more widely by people who just want to share information in a standardized and convenient way.
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