ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

1 Samuel 14

In 1 Samuel 14, there was a man named Saul who was a king in Israel. His son Jonathan decided he wanted to go attack an enemy camp with just his armor bearer by his side. They didn't tell Saul because they didn't want him to say no.

They climbed up a big rocky cliff to get to the enemy camp. When they got there, they started fighting the soldiers. Jonathan and his armor bearer were very strong, and they defeated a lot of soldiers.

God then sent an earthquake that made the enemy soldiers confused and scared. They started running away and fighting each other.

Saul and his army heard all the commotion and saw that the enemy soldiers were running away. They knew that God was on their side and they won the battle.

From this story we learn that it's important to do what you believe is right, even if it is difficult. And if we trust in God, he will help us through even the toughest situations.