ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


The 10-orthoplex is a really big word that describes a really big shape. It's kind of like a square, but it has lots and lots of sides. In fact, it has 1024 sides! That's a lot, huh?

Now, imagine taking that big shape and turning it around so that you can see it from all angles. You would see lots of smaller shapes inside! These shapes are called "faces". The 10-orthoplex has 1024 faces, too!

One way to think about this shape is if you think about a point (which is like a dot), and then draw a line from that point to another point. Then, draw another line from that point to another point. Keep doing this until you have drawn 10 lines. You would end up with a shape that sort of looks like a star!

But the 10-orthoplex isn't just any star, it's a really special one. In math, it's called a hypercube. This means that it's a higher dimensional shape than what we're used to seeing in our everyday lives. It's kinda like trying to imagine a 3D object in a 2D world - it can be tricky!

So, in summary, the 10-orthoplex is a really cool shape with 1024 sides and faces, and it's a type of hypercube that looks like a star with 10 points!