ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5
Examples: volcano, war, memes, dota, fedramp

1812 Overture

So, there was a man named Tchaikovsky who lived a long time ago in Russia. He liked to make music, which is like making a yummy cake with different ingredients. One time, he made a really special cake called the 1812 Overture.

Now, the 1812 Overture is a special cake because it tells a story with music. The story is about a big war that happened in Russia a long time ago, where some mean people from another country called Napoleon and his army wanted to take over Russia.

But the people of Russia didn't want that, so they fought against Napoleon and his army. It was a really big fight, and lots of things happened, like explosions and cannon fire.

Tchaikovsky wanted his music to sound like the war, so he used lots of instruments like drums, cymbals, and even a big cannon to make the sounds of the fighting. And when he put all these sounds together, it sounded like the war was happening all over again!

The 1812 Overture is a really exciting cake, and people still like to listen to it today, even though the war it tells about was a really long time ago. It just goes to show how powerful and fun music can be!